Recent research output for neonatal respiratory support
Polite-O2 Splitter System (PSS)- appropriate & affordable technique for sharing O2 from oxygen concentrator/cylinder.
Polite-O2 blender system One device, three respiratory support functions: 1. Prophylactic AIR therapy – self generated and humidified 4.5 LPM air. 2. Blended O2 supplement – blends its 4.5 LPM air with up to 3 LPM of O2 inflow based on desired FiO2: - mildly distressed neonates. 3. Bubble CPAP – expiratory leg of nasal cannula extended and inserted into graduated water bottle to generate a PEEP: - severely distressed neonates. POLITEHEART-CPAP (NON-INVASIVE NEONATAL VENTILATOR)
Collaboration: MTTS Asia Partners with Neonatal Concerns for Africa in promoting a sustainable neonatal healthcare system through her innovative technologies and pioneering solutions for newborn healthcare. Neonatal Concerns for Africa with this collaboration is at the front-line in promoting the MTTS cutting-edge medical devices in Nigeria. As an exclusive distributing partner of Lifekit devices by MTTS we ensure the healthcare professionals achieve improved clinical outcomes and excellence from the use of these devices.